ihack my iphone

just how safe, is your password protected iphone, from being accessed by a stranger?

i witnessed the bypass of the password on 3gs and 4, except on mine. somehow, the hack works on my device, but it will be locked automatically before further harm can be performed.

here’s how to gain access to the password protected iphone:

1. slide the phone to unlock and press “emergency call”.

2. dial any number, press on the call button, and immediately press the power on button.

3. at this point, the home button will be disabled. search for another contacts on the phone and press “share contact”.

4. send the contact via email or mms.

there are instances where “share contact” option is not available, and no further harm can be performed. to enable the home button, simply dial any number, then end the call.

an auditor once asked me can a system be compromised or hack. my answer to him was – given enough time and effort, there is no one system that’s unbreakable. and that’s how we have our jobs 🙂

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