MINT – Museum of Toys

if you are a fan of vintage toys, you will be in awe by the extensive collection of toys from the mid-19th century to mid-20th century, in the museum of toys. MINT (Moment of Imagination and Nostalgia with Toys) museum of toys is a private museum that showcases more than 50,000 pieces of vintage toys and childhood memorabilia from over 40 countries. including Singapore, China, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany, to name a few.

the building where the collection is displayed, has been designed to exclude external lighting into the display area, in order to prevent the effects of ultra violet light. the gallery is dimly lit, and flash photography is restricted prohibited. there are 4 different exhibit themes, each located in different levels in the five-storey building.

visitors are advised to start their tour from the 5th level, where they will be blasted off into Outerspace. here, one can find the tin type of rockets, space craft and robots. there was a dedicated section of toys and collectibles on Dan Dare, a science fiction comic hero.

Mint - Museum of Toys

on the 4th level, one will be in the company of some familiar Characters – batman, green hornet, popeye. and this was where i found my favourite comic character, tintin and snowy!

Mint - Museum of Toys

the Childhood Favourites on the 3rd level, hold a collection of teddy bears and the “door of hope” hand stitched China dolls. five missionary ladies started the Door of Hope Mission in Shanghai in 1901. they opened schools to teach destitute, illiterate girls and women a trade so they could support themselves in an honorable manner. they were taught how to take care of themselves and given a basic education. the dolls were assembled and dressed by these young women after they were taught the sewing skills.

Mint - Museum of Toys

the doll above, cantonese amah carrying a baby on her back, is one of the more sought-after “door of hope” doll characters.

you will be able to find, probably the most expensive collectibles on the 2nd level. this is the earliest version of the Mickey Mouse Hurdy Gurdy, or Organ Grinder toy. the lithographed tin toy from Germany, featuring Mickey as an organ grinder with tiny minnie dancing on top.

Mint - Museum of Toys

other collectibles include the memorabilia items of the beatles, the 1953 Britains Queen Elizabeth II Coronation set, and the childhood games i played when i was young – the marbles, five stones.

i saw parents, showing and reminiscing on their childhood toys, to their kids. i left the museum, feeling impressed by how the toys were so well kept, despite their age. it was a relaxing place to spend a few hours here and i wonder which of my toy collection will be able to fetch a US$5,000! 😉

all photos are taken on my iphone – more on flickr set.

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