my sore and dry throat had been bothering me for the past week, and went away miraculously, after a short jog 2 days ago. just…
i acted as the local tour guide to my colleagues this evening. took a shot of the LV boutique while waiting for the “water full”…
it wasn’t a bad idea to walk in the rain, under an umbrella. enjoyed the gentle breeze and the occasion sprinkle of rain drops on…
finally had the opportunity to test the polar heart rate monitor on the rcx5. did a short 3.38 km run and struggled to complete the…
after witnessing the collapse of 2 atheletes, right in front of me, i began to understand the importance of consistence training and pushing oneself to…
the most compelling reason for taking up pilates, is to help build up the core for my runs. no matter how easy the moves appear,…
finally received the foldable keyboard from the gmarket equivalent from korea. i have to admit i would need more time to get used to the…